More Growth, More Clients.
Marketing is important...
...But there are already 101 things on your to-do list.
And they are all important too!
How Do You Optimise
Your Marketing?
Handle Everything Yourself?
This is possible if you aren't already tied up with running a business.But if you're pretty busy already. This is not sustainable.
New Staff?
Finding good staff isn't easy. Training and onboarding staff is costly.And even if you do find the perfect man or woman for the position... You're still depending on one person!
Hire An Agency?
Don't have a marketing budget of tens of thousands of dollars?Then you might end up having your account managed by the intern of the assistants' assistant... Not exactly optimal.
"OK... So What Makes
You So Different?"
Our first priority is to achieve results for you as a customer.Less talk, more walk.
We only win if you win. That's the basis for a good partnership.You won't carry all the risk, we'll share it.
We are not tucked away in an anonymous call center.We're a local company, so you'll be able to reach us when you need us.
Jack of all trades... master of none. Specialisation works.That is why we work with industries we know, that way we can guarantee results.
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77% Of Business Owners Make This Mistake
Are you spending time creating content, running ads, trying to attract leads and not seeing a positive return on your time spent?
Over the next few minutes. I will show you exactly how to fix this problem, help you cut down time spent creating ads/content, and help you attract quality leads that lead to paying customers.
Let Me Take The Stress Of Your Shoulders
Running a business is time consuming and knowing how to create marketing campaigns for our business is not something we are innately born with. Unfortunately, as a business owner, we don't have unlimited time to learn how to create funnels and adverts for our business as we are… Well, running our business.Are you feeling frustrated when you run ads for your business only to see little to no results? Maybe you think advertising is a waste of money. I understand, I was once there too.After what felt like endless research, reviewing other companies' advertisements, and attending seminars only to see no improvements. I figured out the secret to effective advertising. It was life-changing. It was like a switch clicked in my head once I understood this. Overnight, I saw positive results in my marketing.So, what is this ‘secret’?Hint: it’s not what you think.
How To Write Ads like A Pro
The secret to writing ads… Keep it simple.Curious to know what I mean when I say, 'Keep it simple'?Don't overcomplicate your message. Avoid using big fancy words or industry abbreviations. Make it easy for the reader to digest. Focus your message on your target audience. This will lead to more engagement and potential customers being interested in your products or services.P.S. Curious about how I’d implement this method in your business? Do this:Get in touch with our agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.No cost, no obligation.If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, and no annoying sales tactics.Sounds good? Then fill out this form:
©AEKMEDIA. All rights reserved.
One Simple Way to Write High-Performing Ads
If you're looking for a way to make your ads more effective, attract more attention, and get more customers... This article is for you.I still remember the exact day I wrote my first ad. I hated every second of it.You know what was the worst part was? My boss assigned me to write that ad because I was studying a business degree.We analyzed the largest and most successful companies in the world. But when I tried to use that knowledge to write an ad for our local business... I had no idea how to do it!Looking at that blank page I realized that I really had no idea what I was doing. And the longer I sat, the dumber I felt.
Why most ads don't work
So I did some research to find the formula.Some sources told me to use a cute baby animal in my ad. Others said that was not professional.Some sources told me to keep repeating my message. Others said that repetition irritates people and makes them NOT buy from you.With the deadline in sight, I took a shortcut. I looked at our competitors' ads and did much the same thing. It's like copying your classmate's homework and changing it a bit so it's not an exact copy.I showed it to my boss, he said it was good and we launched the ad.A few days passed and I heard nothing about the results. So I asked my boss what the results of the ad were.He seemed somewhat confused by the question:“Uhhh… what do you mean by 'results'?”"The results of the ad we placed. Did we sell anything? Did a lot of people call?" I asked him.My boss smiled, leaned back and said:"Nooooo, Ahmed. That's not how ads work! This ad was for brand awareness. Top of mind awareness. It's all about branding, you know?"I pretended to understand and said, " Sure, I understand."That was a lie. Because I didn't understand at all how those things benefited us.And now, almost 2 years later, I'll let you in on a little secret: I lied to my boss. But he also lied to me.Because he had no idea what he was talking about either.
Improve your marketing
When we spend money on something, we measure the result.It doesn't matter if we spend money on equipment, lunch or suppliers - we make sure we get what we pay for, right?When I started my own business, I tried to do the same with marketing. Instead of results, I got word salad.“Well, this ad is for brand awareness.”We focus on top of mind awareness in our market.This campaign has been created to strengthen our branding and brand positioning.This is usually said in a slightly condescending tone so that you feel stupid for asking the question.Here's the painful truth:"Most companies throw away at least half of their marketing budget. Probably a lot more."And that just didn't sit well with me.
How I Stopped Spending Money To Receive No Results... And How You Can Do the Same
I decided to get to the bottom of this and figure out the secret to effective marketing.The good news? There was a formula and I figured it out.The bad news? It took years and years of study, puzzling, testing, and trial and error to figure out what really worked.If I had to write down all the elements of the formula we'd be here for weeks, so let me give you one of the best mnemonics I've found.Some may recognize it as Pearson's Law.“What is measured improves.”Do you want to immediately and drastically increase your advertising results?Make them measurable by adding a response mechanism. A call to action in every ad that asks the prospect to do something.And then you follow that action like a hawk.Now you can measure. To test. Finding out what works and what doesn't.One of the first things I do when I start working with a client is implement this simple rule:“Every ad we place must be measurable, no exceptions.”No more jargon. No more vague marketing jargon. Measurable, tangible, solid results.There are plenty of ways to do this and it's feasible for any business, including yours. If you would like to know how we would do this in your company, please contact us.
©AEKMEDIA. All rights reserved.
How Eye Catching Headlines Can Dramatically Increase Ad Performance
I am about to cover a simple and effective way to improve any advertising material immediately.90 to 95% of businesses I see advertising, get this wrong.Unfortunately, no matter how great or important the ad is.You must get this right to ensure your advert is successful.So, what do I need to get right?The first thing that people see.The headline.
What's So Important About A Headline?
The headline is unquestionably the most important element in any advertising.Whether that’s a headline for a video ad, a landing page, a sales letter, or even the first few sentences of a Facebook ad.A headline serves as your way of getting attention.So the headline needs to stand out.Otherwise, it won't give the person viewing your ad a reason to pay attention.And in most cases, I found that most headlines are utter garbage.You could have the best solution or a great offer to present to someone.But if the person viewing your ad reads the headline, and isn't intrigued and or is left feeling confused.They usually do the worst thing possible.And that is nothing.To conclude, your headline must give the viewer a reason to pay attention and consume what you put out there.
How Do I Write Good Headlines?
To be completely honest, the headline will serve as an ad for an ad.You don’t need to be a literacy genius when writing headlines.But a few good tips to remember are -Keep it short.Keep it simple.Be persuasive.Be compelling.And avoid saying what your competition says - you need to stand out and be different.Put yourself in the shoes of who you’re trying to get the attention of.And think.What would this person want to see and make them think, “That's interesting I would like to know more”But… Always keep this in mind.You don’t want to confuse the reader, so avoid blind headlines.The kind of headlines that mean nothing unless you continue to read or listen.This won't move the needle at all.The headline should let the reader know what they're about to read.And spark a desire to take action.For example, this text you’re reading. “How Eye Catching Headlines Can Dramatically Increase Ad Performance”It caught your attention and I tell you exactly what you’re about to read.Here are some other examples of headlines I have used in the past, which produced results.“Your home sold in 94 days or we pay you $1500”“We will beat your current ads or you don’t pay us anything”“How to easily increase your ads without increasing your ad budget”All these headlines turned out to be effective ads that produce results.Why?They offer a big promise and a big benefit.
How Can I Tell If My Headline Is Satisfactory?
I learned this trick from Dan Kennedy.Simple and easy you can apply this today and see results by tomorrow.So…When advertising.Whether that be Meta ads, Google ads, or LinkedIn ads.Take your attention-grabbing headline.Remove all other text under the headline.Then have a response mechanism.E.g. “Call now”, “Click here”, or type in your email for free content.Nothing else.Short and simple.Test it out yourself and see the results.Now ask yourself.If you did exactly that.Would your ideal customer be inclined to take action?
What Should I Do Now?
The information in this article will lead to more potential customers taking action on your ads.You can use this advice and test it for yourself.Or, if you'd rather spend extra time doing what you do best, have a professional take care of your marketing.Like us, we specialise in local business marketing.We guarantee results on our services.If not, you don't pay us. It’s really that simple.Contact us for a quick free chat about how we can help improve your marketing results.
©AEKMEDIA. All rights reserved.
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions (Skyrocket your ROAS)
Just about all marketing material you see can be improved with this trick. Many industry experts don’t want you to know this as the best marketers have this trick up their sleeves.However, we’ve poured over thousands of pages of copy to find this out. That way you don’t have to. The ‘trick’ is…Great marketers create content based on 3 questions.So simple that you don’t need to be a marketing genius to understand this. In this article I will explain these 3 questions and SHOW you how you can apply this to your business.First question…
How To Write With Impact
When creating marketing material - you need to know what you are saying.We are bombarded with marketing material every day. You’re sitting down, you scroll through Facebook or Instagram, and every couple of posts you see an ad. Unfortunately, most marketing is boring, looks and sounds the same as everybody else. So, your message needs to cut through the clutterHere are a few tips I like to keep in mind.1 - Your message needs to be clear.
2 - It needs to be powerful.
3 - It needs to be persuasive.
4 - It needs to be compelling.
5 - It needs to be intriguing.And please do NOT say 'We’re cheap' or 'We offer the lowest price.'To wrap this up, keep these points in your marketing toolbelt to ensure your message stands out from your competition. This leads us to the second point.
How To Identify My Target Audience
You need to know your target audience. Businesses commonly try to sell to everyone rather than their target audience.This 'sell to everyone' approach is great if you have a marketing budget of $500,000,000 to waste on ads. However, if you don’t have that budget to spend on advertising, let's try this approach instead.How do you figure out your target audience?Your target audience consists of people most interested in your offer and who have the highest chance of converting into customers.Something that you’re interested in, may not be of interest to plenty of other people. Let’s say: you’re selling lawn mowers and lawn care products. You’re mostly going to sell these products to guys. This means your marketing should be geared towards males with lawns.I’m not saying that women won’t buy these products, but we want to invest our time and money in attracting clients with the highest chance of converting to our offer. This will also filter out any window shoppers.This takes us to our final point…
How Do We Reach Our Target Audience?
This part becomes quite easy if you figure out the first two points. Figuring out what media or medium we use to showcase our offer.It’s as simple as asking yourself, “How do we reach these people?” Whether that be through Facebook ads, cold calls, billboards, radio ads, direct mail, or advertising within a place where your target audience spends their time. E.g. A gym.
Let’s Apply This To Your Business
Using the information above, let's apply this to your business. Let's say we want to market a real estate agency.Let's give it a name - ABC Real Estate.Point 1 - What are we saying?Your home sold in X days or we’ll pay you $1500.Point 2 - Who is our target audience?Usually, someone looking to buy a house has disposable income. So let's say - Couples, from 25-40 years of age. 0 - 2 Kids.Point 3 - How are we going to reach our target audience?A real estate agency can reach its target audience in a few ways. To reach this target audience, I would use direct mail and Facebook ads because of their advanced targeting and retargeting features.To conclude the article above, industry professionals always use these 3 points when creating marketing material. The great part is it can be applied to your business today. They work for all businesses, all niches, all products, and all services.To conclude, let’s start incorporating these 3 questions and stand out in a competitive market. It’s easy, completely free, and helps you stand out from the crowd.P.S. Curious about how I’d implement this strategy in your business? Do this:Get in touch with our agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.No cost, no obligation.If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, and no annoying sales tactics.Sounds good? Then fill out this form:
©AEKMEDIA. All rights reserved.
Top Of Mind Awareness EXPOSED (Marketing Experts Don’t Want You To Know This)
There are many local and international businesses with top of mind awareness.Let’s think of a beverage, what brand comes to mind? When you think of a transport service, what brand comes to mind? Now think of a streaming service, what brand comes to mind?These businesses that you thought of have top of mind awareness and they’re crushing their competition. Why? Because they’re the first thing that comes to mind when a specific product or service is needed. Ideally, you want your business to have the same effect.Good news is, achieving this is not as difficult as you may think and what you’re about to learn can be applied to your business today. Let’s cut to the chase… How do we achieve top of mind awareness?
Introduce A CTA To Crush Your Competition
Businesses that have top of mind awareness have one thing in common and that is an irresistible CTA. Which is short for “Call To Action.” This is by far one of the most powerful ways to create top of mind awareness.However, before I explain how to create an irresistible CTA, I need to discuss 2 very important points.
Who Are We Talking To?
First and most important point we need to discuss is: Who Are We Talking To?Let’s say you run a serviced based business. Could be accounting, could be real estate, could be a law firm, or any other service business.The first thing you need to do is identify who you are talking to. This can be done by brainstorming and figuring out the following.Figure out your target markets - Age, gender, interests, social class, geographical location, concerns, and behaviours. Keep in mind this does not have to be perfect, we are looking for a rough idea of our target audience. This takes us to the next point.
How Are These People Going To Find You?
Let’s figure out a way for your target audience to find your product or service. Are you going to send direct mail? Advertise on a billboard? Start advertising on social media? Inform friends and family of your business? Or simply do all of the above.Keep in mind our first point. If you’re planning to run newspaper ads to an audience who’s aged 18-24. You may want to go over this step again and think about what would be the best way for your target market to find you.A report conducted by the Australian Communications and Media Authority found that more than half of Australians aged 75+ (52%) read a print newspaper in the previous week, this compares to 7% of 18–24-year-olds.After you’ve figured out how people are going to find your product or service. Let’s amplify our audience's desire by introducing a CTA.
Instantly Upgrade The Advertising For Your Small Business
After completing these steps you should have a detailed image of your target audience and know how to reach them. Using this information let’s add a CTA that provides genuine value, is low risk and gives them a reason to say yes.For example: “Click here for a free in depth consultation on X” or maybe “Put your email here and I’ll send you a free guide on Y” or even “Send us a text now and we’ll tell you exactly how to do Z”Utilising a CTA when showcasing your products or services helps your audience who are in the buy now stage take immediate action, builds credibility for those who are still searching around, builds you a list of potential customers and creates top of mind awareness for those who express interest in what you're selling..To conclude, let’s start incorporating a CTA and stand out in a competitive market. It’s easy, completely free, and helps you stand out from the crowd.P.S. Curious about how I’d implement CTAs in your business? Do this:Get in touch with our agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.No cost, no obligation.If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.Sounds good? Then fill out this form:
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Boost Sales By Improving Your Writing - Part 1
Great writing is an underrated superpower in business.Your writing can hook in potential customers, prove your competence, and help grow your business. Which ultimately leads to more revenue.Most writing we read is awful and more sleep inducing than the gas your doctor gives you before you go in for surgery.Why is most writing awful?Most people don’t spend all day writing, whereas, on average, a person spends about 1 to 2 hours per day speaking, which amounts to around 7,000 to 16,000 words.Or maybe school has failed us, maybe English isn’t your first language, or maybe most people are still yet to learn the secrets of irresistible writing. Either way the ‘why’ doesn’t really matter. What matters is the ‘how’.Specifically…
How To Fix Bad Writing TODAY
In this series of articles, I'll be revealing my secrets to creating mouthwatering video scripts, blog posts, sales letters and tweets that sell. Best part about all this, I’ll do it in a non-sleep inducing way.Let’s talk about how we can write to sell:Seduce someone into reading your stuff.Imagine you've created the perfect article, sales letter, or landing page—but the text is crammed together like a newspaper.It wouldn’t matter how great your writing is because whoever is reading it will move onto the next thing.Now look at this you’re reading right now. Looks more appealing than a newspaper, right?That’s because I make it very easy to read.I always write with the mindset that if I can't explain it clearly enough for a child to understand, then I need to rewrite it.
Short Form Versus Long Form Content
So should you always create content in short sentences and as if you’re speaking to a child?No.However, keep in mind how you’re laying out your content. Whether that's through blogs, tweets, audio content, or even direct mail.So, to sum things up, make sure you hook in your audience by keeping your content easy to digest and interesting for the person consuming it.Talk soon,AhmedP.S. Want to know how I’d make sure your prospects would be glued to their screen, unable to stop consuming your content?Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently, and discuss it with you in depth on a call.No cost, no obligation.If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, and no annoying sales tactics.Sounds good? Then fill out this form:
©AEKMEDIA. All rights reserved.
Not Utilising This Website Hack Is Costing You Burning Hot Leads!
Not fully utilising a landing page when running ads can be counterproductive to attracting clients.Why? It may be costing you leads.Leaving them astray.In my experience as a marketer. Businesses do the right thing by running an ad to attract clients online.Then drive this traffic to their website, but make the mistake of offering no clear guidance on what to do next.Leaving the user subconsciously confused.In this article, I will show you how to create a specific type of landing page to reel in leads like never before.
Confused Customers Do The Worst Thing Possible…
A quote I learnt from a great marketer goes along the lines of……A confused customer does the worst thing possible, and that is nothing. We don’t want our customers to do nothing, we want them to buy or take action.Which is completely and utterly true.With so many things vying for our attention—emails, Facebook notifications, or even your puppy begging for another pat. It's very easy to get distracted.Directing traffic to your home page without clear instruction on what to do next, leaves the door open for the next thing to tug at their attention.And if a customer's attention is elsewhere and they're not taking action on your website, it means advertising dollars are being spent poorly, and potential business is lost.The good news is, I’ll show you how to get the best bang for your buck by taking full advantage of a landing page.
What Is A Squeeze Landing Page?
When running ads, your primary objective is to get your audience to do one thing.Take Action.Usually, the action step is to click the link to visit your website.Now, instead of directing your traffic to your standard home page, let's create a landing page and direct them to that.But most importantly it needs to be a squeeze landing page.The objective of a squeeze landing page is quite self-explanatory.We want to ‘squeeze’ something out of the person who clicked on the ad.Not literally but metaphorically. We are trying to help people, not hurt them.So, once the lead clicks on our ad, they are directed to our squeeze landing page.The only way forward is if we ‘squeeze’ something out of them. For example: an email address, in exchange for a free quote or a free guide to help you with XYZ.Don’t worry, if you're unsure on what to put on your squeeze landing page. Keep reading as I’m about to show you.
How Do I Create A Squeeze Landing Page?
First off, your landing page needs a strong headline that'll hook in your target audience wanting to learn more.Second - Lets add in some body text. The body text gives the lead just enough information to create a gap in the reader's mind, so now all they want is the answer. Usually, you’ll include some info on what they might be experiencing and how your product can help.Third - Create an offer. Irresistible offers make it hard for the reader to say no to what you have in store.Lastly, you need your opt-in. This part is the ‘squeeze’ part where your lead gives you something, such as their email or phone number in exchange for free value.To regurgitate the article above. If you’re running ads to attract more work. Your ad goal should be to drive traffic to your landing page. Although, not any landing page. As discussed, a squeeze landing page. Then collect the desired piece of information from your lead in exchange for free value. Such as an email address in exchange for a free guide on XYZ.Using this information you should be turning leads into customers in no time!P.S. Curious about how I’d implement a squeeze landing page in your business? Do this:Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently, and discuss it with you in depth on a call.No cost, no obligation.If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, and no annoying sales tactics.Sounds good? Then fill out this form:
©AEKMEDIA. All rights reserved.
Want More Clients? Try This!
I’m going to introduce you to an advertising platform with the potential to reach 3.1 billion users. Yes, billions with a B.Drum rolls please……META.Meta is Facebook and Instagram. With over 2.11 billion daily active users. Meta ads are great for finding your ideal customer.Better yet, in this blog post I will explain what Facebook and Meta ads are, how they’re excellent for reaching your ideal customer, help you determine if your business is ready to advertise, and I will answer my most commonly asked question around the advertising phenomenon.
What Are Meta Ads?
Meta (formerly known as Facebook) is one of the leading social media platforms.On average, Facebook alone has a whopping 3.065 billion users that visit Facebook monthly.Let’s put that in perspective. That’s over one-third of the world's population… and this number is still climbing!Meta ads (formerly known as Facebook ads) are an online paid advertising platform.Meta ads allow businesses to promote their products, or services and target their ideal customers on the social media platform for a fraction of the price compared to traditional advertising options.
Why Meta Ads Are Great
Let's pretend you own a dog grooming business.You want to advertise on Meta to attract new clients (dogs to wash and groom).You already have a few regular customers and want to stick to your local town and not travel further than 10 km for a job.Meta ads let you determine the exact location of your ad and who sees your ad.In simpler words, you can show your ad in your local town and show the ad to people who own dogs.Options that traditional advertising avenues don't allow.Here’s the part that separates Meta ads from all other forms of advertising.Meta’s algorithm will learn who shows interest in your ad, and over time finetune your audience so you reach more people who are likely to buy from you.Less spending money on showing your ads to people with no interest in your offer.Pretty cool right?If you think so, keep reading and we can discuss to see if you’re in a position to start advertising.
Is My Business Ready To Advertise?
2 questions I ALWAYS ask businesses to determine if they are ready to advertise and take on more work.First question: do you have the availability to take on more work?When qualifying if a business is in a position to advertise, I always check to see if the business can take on more work.Say you are a local chiropractor and on average you can see 8-10 patients.On average you see about 6-7 patients, then you are in the perfect position to take on more work.Second question: is it of interest to you to grow your business?If you are happy with where your business currently is and not interested in growing your clientele.Then Meta ads may not be the best option moving forwardIf you are hungry for growth and want to fill your bookings, Meta ads are a supercharger for local businesses looking to attract more customers and grow their sales.
How Much Should I Spend On Meta Ads?
Not sure how much your business should spend on Meta ads?Meta allows you to set budgets for your ads.Whether you are a small coffee shop that wants to spend the price of a few coffees per day on ads or a medium business that wants to spend 3-5 figures a day on ads.Meta has the versatility to work with businesses of all sizes…So, it’s really up to you how much you spend on Meta ads. Allocate a realistic budget and work within your means.Please keep in mind that if you’re selling medium to high-ticket products/services. Anything around $101 - $999 and expecting to see clients marching through the door by spending $5 a day on ads, you might want to consider increasing your budget if possible.To sum up this article, Meta is an advertising behemoth that allows you to reach your target audience to get more clients in ways that traditional advertising avenues wouldn’t.P.S. Curious about how I’d advertise on Meta to get your business more clients? Do this:Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently, and discuss it with you in depth on a call.No cost, no obligation.If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, and no annoying sales tactics.Sounds good? Then fill out this form:
©AEKMEDIA. All rights reserved.
Unusual But Effective Way To Increase Sales
You could have the most life-saving product or service, but if you can’t grab your readers’ attention, your message is worthless.In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with distractions online.Which is why you need to write in a way that keeps your readers engaged and eager for more, ultimately increasing the chances of converting them into paying clients.Otherwise, they'll scroll past and whatever you have to say is meaningless.In this article, I’ll show you how to hook in your audience and maintain their interest in your message.And no, you don’t have to be a marketing genius to achieve this.
Today's Digital World
Our attention spans are shorter than ever, which means it is harder to grab people's attention.You are competing with a never ending drama about your favourite celebrity, politicians being politicians and highly addictive memes.However, plenty of challenges can get in the way of capturing and holding attention.These challenges might include:- Potential buyers becoming more informed about your product or solution.
- Constant notifications vying for their attention.
- The desire for instant gratification over meaningful, long-term results.
- Ever-growing competition in our rapidly expanding digital world.
- An overwhelming amount of information surrounding your ideas.
- And, of course, their pet demanding attention!The good news? These challenges are entirely manageable.
Keep reading on, I’ll share foolproof tips and tricks—the same advice I wish I’d had when I started my marketing career—to help you overcome these obstacles.
Let’s dive in and learn how to keep your audience captivated and engaged!

How To Hook In Your Reader Like There's No Tomorrow
“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”, said David Ogilvy.Meaning your headline determines the success of your ad.There's no one-size-fits-all approach, but when crafting a headline, I always focus on one key question: what can I say to instantly grab the reader's attention? What will stop them in their tracks and make them want to know more?Once you have them hooked, you need to reel them in with the first paragraph.If we compare this to dating, the headline is the thing that gets them to message you back.The first paragraph is what gets you that first date.The opening paragraph should continue to lure the reader in. Write in a way that gets them intrigued. Curious. Or maybe even pissed off. Make them feel something that sparks interest and makes them want to know more.
How To Keep People Interested In My Writing
No one likes boring, especially when it comes to reading. The best way to NEVER maintain your reader's attention is by writing in a sleep inducing way."Great marketers know that the most powerful writing doesn’t just inform—it captivates. Engaging language is the key to hooking your audience and keeping them invested in your message."Do this by adding a personal touch, what could you say to make the reader feel a specific emotion? Using emotion in your writing will increase the pain and or desire your reader feels, prompting them to keep reading and take action. Please do this in an ethical way of course.Another way to keep it interesting is by writing in a way that specifically speaks to your target audience. Know what tone and style aligns with their preferences. Whether it’s casual, professional, empathetic, data-driven, or even inspirational.Another useful tip: Avoid technical jargon and big fancy words, unless it's essential for your audience. Keep your message clear and easy to read.

Make More Sales With Your Writing
So do you need to be a marketing genius or a celebrity to keep your audience engaged in your stuff?No.Although you do need to keep in mind how you’re writing your content.You need to hook in your audience, keep them interested by using emotion, write in a way that fits their style, and keep it clear and concise.Talk soon,Ahmed.P.S. Want to know how I’d make sure your audience would be glued to their screen, unable to stop consuming your content. In return, turning them into paying clients?Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.No cost, no obligation.If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.Sounds good? Then fill out this form:
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